Thursday, August 18, 2011

Which party do you think is more cohesive?

I think right now the Democrats are far more cohesive. Perhaps we can look at the Republicans as a volcano that finally blew up. They'll come back together though, as the power follows its usual cycle.

Why doesn't my dog like to be used as a pillow?

When ever I try to use him as a pillow, he eyes me and then barks sharply with his ears back and then tries to snuggle and looks scared. Why doesn't he like to be used as a pillow?

Observations on tithing................?

Yes, tithing is unbiblical for saved Christians. The New Testament says to give if you want to freely and cheerfully. And if you don't want to give, don't.

AGP graphics card for 60-80$ to run CounterStrike Source?

I'm looking for the best value out of an AGP 4x/8x graphics card that must be able to run CS:Source/Half life 2 preferably at 1280x1024 without dropping below like 30fps. Is this even possible in this price range?

Should Children be told about STD's, , death, murder, etc. as early as possible?

i think that kid should know what can happen to them if they are old enough to ask but with that you should also tell them how to protect them self because most kids already know about what can happen but what they don't know is that they can fix it~ fairytale don't teach children that dragons are real they already know they are real what it teaches them is that you can kill them

I wish i had a pretty girls name by john gregory.?

anyone heard of it. what is it's proper name. i didn't dream the whole song did i. "i wish i had a pretty girls name. i wish they'd called me rosie or jane" uptempo, bit gay. i can't find it anywhere. if you know it i will be very suprised and greatful

QUICK!! HELP ME!!! I have inated Ronald McDonald, but I have a problem???

HIS GIANT FRIGGIN CRAZY PURPLE FRIEND THING AND THAT MASKED FREAK ARE AFTER ME!!!! AND I USED TE LAST OF MY PROJECTILES AND I LOST MY BLADES BACK AT THE FORTRESS! And to make things worse, I'm still being trained in hand to hand combat so I don't know enough! Help me! What should I do? I'm using this old lady's com right now but she could be home any time, and I have blood all over me!! HELP ME! WHAT SHOULD I DO!? They're great hunters, really fast, and I can't return to the Sanctuary because I'll just lead the enemies straight to my base of operation! Please help! I can hear them now!!!

We need a good Lan game for 2-4 people! Suggestions?

i like to play dawn of war with my friends its a good strategy game and has online. also dawn of war 2 is good. recently ive been playing rise of nations which is amazing. Another good strategy is company of heroes, Also you could try age of empires 2 if you havn't tried it since you like the third one. Most of the command and conquer games are good such as kanes wrath or tiberium wars and generals.And finally you could try the stronghold games another good dtrategy . Hope this helps :)

Recording/amplifying my clical guitar?

I've done this on the cheap by just buying a decent microphone, running it into the line-in on my sound card, and using Audacity (free download) to record on the computer. You could spend a lot more money getting a good setup, but if you have a good mic and put it about a foot from the front of your guitar you'll get a pretty accurate reproduction of the clical guitar tone. Running it through a lot of electronic gizmos and into your USB port will only diminish the pure clical guitar sound.

Are the stats of this laptop good?

the price is good but really the specs are about four years behind modern computing; basically double and sometimes quadruple the numbers on that spec sheet and you've got yourself a computer. 2gb of ram will never cut it, you need 4gb at lest, 250 gb hard drive is OK as long as you don't save anything on it a 320 gb hard drive would be tolerable, 500 would be great, 1tb is overkill. moving on, the display is fine that is all preference; macs are more expensive, put simply your money is put better into a pc with better components inside, you're graphics card is a piece of (pardon my French) ****, but the price is pretty great if 500 dollars is all you can afford then this would be the only mac you could get and even with a pc it could be hard to get a good one.

One last question plzz?

ive already asked a couple questions and ive come to the decision to becoming friends and flirt with "her". but the only cl we have together is p.e ( and im not that muscular so showing off wont help. LOL) how do i get closer to her and flirt when we're constanly being splt up into random teams and groups? if it was like math cl i could sit beside/near her, but this is confusing. and i dont wanna have to wait till next semester and then HOPE shes in one of my cles. hlp me out here plz. LOL

Problem opening downloads?

You need to download a codec for them. To do this, click the little red X next to their name in Windows Media Player and it should bring up the error message. Then click "Web help" and then from there the site will sortof point you in the right direction.

Call of duty: black ops?

Ok$! I have read every article about it on forums, blogs, chats you name it!! but i stilll cant get past the mive corridor shoot out in mission 3 please helP!! I plaed for an hours to try ans died its ******!!! :?

What is meant by wep page adaptation algorithm in mobile technology?

what is meant by wep page adaptation algorithm in mobile technology.I need to know the disadvantages of it.It will be very useful for me.

What are the best universities in California?

pepperdine, USC, stanford, and the claremont colleges (harvey mudd, pitzer, ponoma, scripps. claremont mckenna)

Dessert recipe for Red Delicious apples?

this is a very simple recipie. Just cut the apples in to bite sized pieces. I usually leave the skin on but you can go either way. Put the apples into a large mixing bowl. add brown sugar, maple syrup, and a few chunks of er, some cinnomin and a pinch of can adjust the portions depending on the sweetness and portions. mix it all around so each apple piece gets some coating. Put it all in a baking dish. throw it in the oven for 40 minutes or so depending on hopw many apples you use at like 340 degrees. it is delicious and can be served warm or with ice cream...ENJOY

What do you think of these boots?

Their cute, but since your short as I am, I would look for ones a tad shorter.I got the tall Uggs, and they made my 5'1 body look choppy and..ugh.I have long legs,so I exchanged them for short ones,and it looks 347837483 x better :D

Reception Ideas for a very small, simple wedding?

Neither of us have very many family members...or friends. I was wondering what we should do for a wedding reception because obviously we aren't going to reserve a whole banquet hall for just 18-21 guests. So I was wondering what some of your ideas are? A hotel or park maybe? Is this hard to reserve for yourself? Can you get catering for that low amount of people? Any creative or just helpful advice would be appreciated. Oh and how much would a hotel be if we were to use their business conference room? 10 points for most detailed answer. Thanks!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where can I download a particular typing tutor software?

I used to have a typing tutor known as Broderbund Mavis Beacon typing tutor. I do not remember its details and I want to download it.It is a freeware software. From where can I download it?

My wife is divorcing me for unreasonable behaviour?

If not lifting your feet up when she's hoovering while i'm trying to watch football,and not flushing the chain when i've been for a poo,is deemed grounds for divorce,by the big fat umpa lumpa,then i'm a monkeys uncle.There's no wonder I never took her out with that attitude.....p.s,does anybody fancy a date when my divorce comes through.

Collateral Murder video?

There was ample justification to engage the armed element on the ground; this is why the Army investigation concluded that the action was justified and no punishment was warranted. It is a shame that the reporters were killed, but they had to know there was a certain risk to ociating with an armed enemy of the US military.

What brand/band shirt is this Craig Mabbit is wearing?

You can find the answer at here a href="\'s-Clothing-2-0-34-1.html?af=4" rel="nofollow"…/a .

Is it wrong for me to be mad about this?

I know how it feels, this has happened to me. Yes its right to feel mad/sad about it because im sure you feel hurt about. You could maybe try talking to them? It could never hurt. And dont say no one cares because you know your family cares about you very much.

Chris Hero or Kenny King? + DCW Thunderwave Results Part 2?

PROMO: Dude are you f***ing serious? I was robbed of yet another opportunity. This time by Risky Business. I'm never gonna make it to the big time with retards like Risky, Cliff, and Scar in my way. I've been battling my way through each and every match i've had. Whether i won or lost, i've still been putting in everything to conquer these losers. If only, i had a match one on one with either a fellow contender or the Junior Heavyweight Champ with everyone else banned from ringside. Then maybe, just maybe i might have a chance of becoming the Junior Heavyweight Champ. I know the road to being a Champ is tough but this is f***ing outrageous.

CNN's Rick Sanchez Blames Fox News, 'Right-Wing Radio' For Cop Killings?

Why do you care? Everyone has a right to his and her opinion. I thought Faux News was your favorite channel. The cop killer did say. He was scare President Obama was going to take his guns away. Hmmm? Where did I hear that from..... @~

Did you know McCains pet peev is technology?

Actually, I'd feel safer if Cindy were running things. At least she seems to have a brain left, despite all of that doping up.

Should i be feeling the way I do about him?

well dear i think that you really like him and from what you said he likes you to,so next time when you see him just cool down and say hi to start a conversation and then you might know for sure what kind of emotions you have for each other, just take it one step at a time

Overfeeding Baby- please help?

I've read through a lot of answers that are related to this, but I haven't found a solution. I mean my baby is a month old (was three weeks preemie) and is taking down 6 oz every three hours, sometimes wanting more in between. And yes, I try everything before hand. Changing, pacifier, swaddling, cuddling, playing, just walking around holding him. He started having a lot of issues having a bowel movement (he wasn't constipated just getting really upset) and a nurse said he's being overfed and it's hurting his intestines and to cut down his formula. She never said HOW I'm supposed to do this. I tried just giving him 4 ounces and now he just won't stop crying and I really don't know what to do. His app is in 2 days but that's just too long. I just need to know what I'm supposed to do.

Youtube video topics....?

Do educational videos on your hobbies and interests. Interview unknown artists and writers in your area. Make short films.


Poetry is my least favorite thing and I need a poem by a famous poet with lots of imagery . What are some names of some great poems with lots of imagery

How does the ozone layer affect the temperature of the stratosphere?

The gas molecules in the ozone layer are shattered by absorbing the energetic radiation from the Sun. This makes them hot, and establishes a temperature profile. This profile is what set this layer of the atmosphere apart from those on either side of it. If it were not for the action of the ozone layer, there would be no stratosphere, likely just troposphere right up to ionosphere. If our Sun cooled so it made little or no UV-C, that is what we'd have.

How do you interpret the Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe?

Okay so I read this story in my english cl, I absolutely loved it but well i really didnt get it its just like we hide away from the Red Death and we'll be safe? and then this phantasm who kills people just comes i really dont get it I just wanna kno how you interpret this story, I was a little lost, and the clock wats that about I really dont get wat that signifies, This would really help for a test coming up.

Do citizens of Scotland desire to be part of the UK?

Are Scots proud to be part of the United Kingdom given their history of conflict with the English? Proud to share a monarchy when they had their own from 843 until 1707? Even if the current PM is Scottish, surely there must be some desire from the Scots to govern their country solely on their own? They have more than enough heritage to be distinguishable from the English...

How can I convince my mum to let me host a sleep over at out house?

i think that your mom still regards you as a child. well, i guess it's natural for mom's to feel that way. i am turning 20 but i still ask her permission to go on those night outs and such (and most of the time she says no :)) but i just accept her decision because as cliche as it may sound, mothers know best. or at least try to explain your side if you really want to go. you should earn her trust that you can already handle yourself and make sound decisions. however, remember that trust is earned gradually. if she sees that you are already a responsible person and that she can trust you, she will slowly allow you to go on with your movie nights and such. you might even be surprised when she does! that's what happened to me. :) with regards to having a sleepover in your house, i think that she does not allow you because if you are the host, you (or your mom) would have to be the one to prepare for it and also clean up after wards. it's a hle. that's what i think. hope you understand your mom better. :)

Please help - relationship issue?

think of this if you want to be treated like this the rest of your life you are in for a harsh life. I would slap him in public and go to the court house and get a protective order to not enter your home amd move your things out! He has no respect for others if he can't respect his lady! he is a jerk so get an order so he has to go somewhere else while you move! I have a big garage and helped out lady friends in need! Life is too short and no counsel will help him unless he meets lady wrestler that will kick his axx!

I am 43 and my periods are becoming heavier each month and more painful. Is this a sign of early menopause?

It might be peri menopause or could be fibroids - both are very treatable. For menopause Bio Identical Hormones offer the most effective relief from symptoms.

Who sings this old brit punk song?

All the lyrics I remember are; "She's prettier than Patrick Moore and dainty as a dalek, (nick nack patty whack give the dog a bone) each time I try to kiss her, she slips into a time warp I invariably miss her. then i go into a time warp (what am I doing here) time warp (what all this stuff in my ear) time warp you know it ain't no fun, one minute I'm here, next minute I'm gone". Any help will be greatly appreciated - thanks in advance -Chic

Can someone purchase shares of stock directly from a company or only through a brokerage firm?

For example if I wanted to buy shares of AOL, could I contact AOL and purchase it through them, or would I have to open an account and go through a brokerage firm such as Merril Lynch?

Tracy here: Why do atheists spend their entire days drinking chai lattes and watching Lifetime?

i prefer a dark roast arabica with two creams and sugar, and as far as Lifetime is concerned, their movies have crap production values, and cariactures as characters so i don't watch it voluntarily (though i have had gfs in the past who "made" me)

How can I change my mom to stop judging people ?

Hey,My mom thinks that every body's mistakes are worse then her's. She's like Santa Claus she thinks everyone is either naudy or nice, she needs to take a reality check. And whenever I confront her about she's all like I'm gonna ground you and lame stuff like that. I know I sound like a kid venting,but seriously.

Help me find out about this thyroid disease...?

With a positive TPO, you may very well have Hashimoto's, and you should insist not only on T4, but also T3. if your doctor won't run the tests, fire him. Get a new doctor who will.

What would this be considered?

A man is writing based on what he heard during an expedition to the aztec empire. Would it be considered a diary, and article, historical fiction, plan speech, proclamation,etc.... or something else?

What was your favorite crew from Saturday Night Live?

Yep, that was the all-around best crew, hands-down. Other seasons have had 1-2 standout cast members, but you're correctly describing their "dream team."

RE: ninebadthings, do you find it ironic?

I don't know guys. I'm tired of sitting in my nice comfy truck after 6 hours. I'm tired of an airplane seat in 2 hours. I kind of think 9 is stretching the truth in saying 6 hours on any bike is all that comfortable. Doable certainly, comfortable not so much. You may not like him but I think he is giving a new rider a realistic perspective instead of chest pounding and making silly claims. I don't even want to sit on a lazy boy for six hours straight. Get real people.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What are some evolutionary adaptations of mammals that support the high energy requirements for moving on land?

(locomotion on land requires more energy than in water...) but how have mammals adapted to conserving energy or making more?

I think Obama is very refreshing but what I hear is that is a concern for some?

The Bible says the anti-christ will speak many languages. Obama does not speak several other languages. If you want to go by the Bible... I'm just sayin...

Any ideas for album titles?

i'm in a band have finished recording songs but can't come up with any album titles. one of my band mates suggested 'tragic heroes' as the title but does it sound good and if not, does anyone have suggestions.My band is rock sort of like coldplay/keane/u2.

Is he two-timing me?

sometimes guys dont like picking up the phone because they rather just have small talk and dont want to get in a side conversation. Also guys sometimes rather text cuz it doesnt make them think on the spot, texting gives them time.

Who do you think the packers will take with their first round draft pick this year?

I think there is a strong possibility Green Bay will trade down. However, we can't live on that belief. Therefore, expect Green Bay to draft either an Offensive Tackle or Cornerback. Both positions are a huge need, and GB does need to draft one player for each of those positions in the upcoming draft. There is also a possibility Green Bay will draft a 3-4 OLB if the right one falls in their lap.

PSAT Questions.....................…

Currently I am living in Canada and would like to write the PSAT. I heard that in the US you may write your PSAT in both your sopre and junior years, but since the education system in Canada is different(we do not have freshman), am I suppose to write my PSAT in grade 10 or 11? (or both)

Narnia book question?

when i was younger i'd read the narnia book series, i've seen both the movies that have come out and i recall that susan doesn't return in the last book. i don't have the series any longer and it's been years since i've read them, i seem to recall that she "grows up" and narnia doesn't like her anymore, but the other three kids--along with the other characters introduced in the series all return. i can't remember much more, could someone please tell me what happens to susan that doesn't happen to the other characters because i really can't remember! i also seem to recall that in the end all the characters go to heaven, was susan among them too? or was she exiled or something? please help! it's really driving me insane that i can't remember any of this! :) thanks!

Hair repair?? HELLP!! Professionals only please!?

I have medium length, very curly damaged hair. I have been trying EVERYTHING to repair my hair and it is driving me insane! Nothing seems to work. I take biotin daily. I use Redkin smooth down shampoo and conditioner. 2 times a week i use Redkin extreme CAT in the shower.. leaving it in for 10 minutes and combing it through. I cant even straighten my hair anymore because it keeps breaking off. I use my straightener at a low temp. I use to use the superstar and it burnt out... then I bought a gvp and that made my hair ever worse!!! and a month ago i bought the CHI nano and that is also breaking my hair off! I have no idea what to do?! Even when i do straighten my hair I do it very seldom because of it keeps breaking off. Most of the time I let my hair air dry and I think that I am doing everything right to repair it. I don't understand what happened to my hair and why is keeps breaking off? I'm healthy... I exercise 5 times and week and eat very healthy so I really dont understand why this is happening to my hair and I need to know what else I can do to make it stop breaking off and stop being so dry. Thank you!

Erectile Dysfunction & Premature Ejaculation?

Hi, I'm 27 years old male from Bangladesh.My problem is i too fast and my pennis dont get hard enough to .I'm masturbating regularly 3-4 times daily for last 8 years.I discovered the problem when me & my girl went to have last week,i found that my pennis is not getting enough hard to my girls i felt shame.I'm also feeling pain on my left testicle for last couple of months,this pain started one night after i .Now i'm worried,feeling shame to go to a specialist.Please help me by giving your opinions & suggestions.Thank's.

Is this really a step in the right direction to reduce teenage pregnancies?

Well, after learning the news of the yahoo main index page, it would appear that the 'morning after pill' WILL be available via text. Whilst on one hand I think it would break away the fear factor in girls being able to come forward to seek help, (maybe it's because of the fact that I have old fashion values and the way I was brought up in society) On the other hand, I just really can't accept that this is happening out there in society. I barely could tie my shoe lace at the age of 11 when I was 11, what is society coming to??? As cynical as this sound, would this be a cue for many girls out there to practice unprotected ?? Would this ultimately help or hinder??

Don't The Steelers Still Have A Decent Shot At The Playoffs?

The patriots will win the super bowl this year. My Tommy Brady inflatable doll told me so and he has never been wrong, not once. Well, I have to go find underpants for my Tommy doll so I can take him to Denny's for a big slam breakfast. He is going to need all of his strength later.

Can they do this with child ?

i filed for support and when the day came to show our checks i showed mine and he didnt show his...he nly said he has 32 hrs... the person didnt bother to check his stub.. so i told the judge that i dont believe that he is only working that much hours... so another court date was set...the next court date he showed his paper work and now he has more hours im getting less support because they are including his visitations with our child... which is a day... is that possible can they do that... the whole point in me asking the court to review his pay stubs was because the first amount wasnt enough... now its going to be less... and i know he gets a lot of money and that he is just lying about everything... he just doesnt want to give us support... what can i do abut this... its outrageous... he didnt give support since our childs birth and in our state, its only retroactive from the date the person files... but the reason i never filed was because he told me not to and tht he would give us monthly support and that he would help with our son... when that never happened... i filed... he never went to visit his son and he was telling the courts i was refusing him to see our son and thats why he is given visitation... but now he has visitation he is paying less support... our son basically is only over his house for a day... i mean im really getting screwed here what should i do?

Would you correct my English writing please?

Fire in the sky should be underlined, you should write out the word 5, to the police station, convinced instead of convince, long years instead of years long, filmed instead of film, man instead of men, thats about it.

How to keep motivated while exersizing?

ithink its sooo hard to keep motivated soo what you should do is just think about how Amazing you're gonna look after wards and i watch i used to be fat on mtv that show keeps me motivated and just look back at the couple of days that you've stuck with your plan and be like heyy its been 2 days and im still breathing and im okayy:) best of luckkkk<3 :)

Any help is appreciated.?

What are q and w (in kJ) for the reaction of 36.0 g of Na(s) and 72.0 g of Cl2(g) to produce NaCl(s) at 1 atm and 298K?

Loadmaster or Crewchief?

Take the entrance test to the Air Force Academy and if accepted, study is free and there is no tuition fee.

I have this deep hurting feeling Help?

I feel this really bad feeling in my heart all the time i think i might be depresssed how do i fix this like i am soo sensitive and soft the slightest thing crushes me i hate this. like there is a hugh hole in my heart.

If John McCain is such a maverick..why did he vote for the bail out?

if he was a true maverick he would of voted against the bail out since it had many earmarks/pork and we all know what he would do if he was president and those kinds of bills landed on his desk..yes that's right folks he would veto them because he doesn't believe in bills that contain earmarks. So how can he say he's this big maverick who wants to shake up washington when he does an about face and votes for the one thing he has always said he would veto when president

Whats up with aussie open?

No the next one out will be Lleyton hewitt as I dont think he has a chance. Federer is just clawing his way back but the fellow he is playing is doing a really good job.

Is Evolution Responsible for Girls not farting?

I do believe it's hereditary but I'm not sure how far it goes back. I would say it has to do with a mutation in a gene or genes on the sixth chromosome. So, I guess what I'm saying is that it is a more recent phenomena. Now what I really don't understand is the evident single minded thinking that men do. They just aren't able to think of more than one thing at a time. Well, maybe a select few but most men's thought process leads them into a chain of events. Possibly this is why there are so many divorces. Ah, go figure.

What do you think of my jocular Sonnet?

really creative, rhyme with ease and lyme disease is pure bloody brilliance. is nancy a real person or not??

I received a mail from PHARMAPRIX's advocate that they want to claim the damage i caused to them?

Contact them and tell them that you refuse to pay. SInce they waived thier legal right at the time to prosecute you for your crime they cannot demand payment now.

Help?? my fridge freezer comes on,the little green light shows, it makes that noise but it wont get cold why??

does anyone know what could be wrong? ive tried ringing a few companys this evening and they must all close at 5 .

John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah? See what Jesus told his disciples?


Monster hunter three tri fishing for gobul?

ok so im on the most cheap boss at my rank and armor and i was going to get the gobul fished up with frogs. but when i went near the water and selected frog the icon was X ed out what happened? plz hlp.

Peripheral vision!!! please help!?

today randomly i lost all Peripheral vision in my left eye i could barley see anything only things in front of me and barely that this went on for about two hours. this has happened before but not so severe it happens about maybe once every 3 months for the past 2 years also after this time i got a huge head ache ,nausea and my stomach hurt. I had a head ache in the left hemisphere of my brain. I would say this time is just a migraine but its happend many time and past times i got no head ache.

Why is my stomach so disporportionate?

I am pretty slender and work out alot, usually 5-6 days a week running, ab work, weight ect. But no matter what I do my stomach is huge! it has some flab, but more so when I don't hold it in in front of the mirror it just sticks out! I don't know what to do bec I am already in very good shape. I'm sure losing weight would help a bit, but is this just my shape? could I eventually get lipo or is that the way my bodys structure is??? could it be something medical??

Can you rank my fantasy football team for 2011?

if your a pats fan and play with your heart and wont play sanchessy then trade his ***...surely you can get something for him, you dont need 3 qb' shoulda dropped knox not ward, i dont like ward as a player but he is good for 6-7 td's and at least your 950 yards smith will give you.....and what smith is it....i am uming carolina cuz your not going to have 2 giants players so i doubt steve smith gets 950....who is even throwing him the balll.....dont play the season by projections son, they are never right.......your team is solid otherwise though just need some wideout keep an eye out where people sign and all of luck on the season

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is the chord Aadd9 the same as Ab2?

I tried to look for an easy enough ab2 but they are all down the neck. I would need one that is the closest to the neck as possible. If not, can I use an Aadd9, or just a plain A to replace it. Will you be able to hear the difference? I'm trying to play "Here I am to Worship" by Tim Hughes in 3 flat. I know it's not the easiest key but I need to play it in that key. Help please!

Could my husband have a drinking problem?

your nagging at him wont help, either he has a problem or he doesnt,you wont really know untill it gets worse than a couple a day.How "wasted" does he get?does he black out?is he mean when he drinks?

Who is that female singer who sings Huh huh huh hu-uh huh?

Its not fergie been told that...I think she is a debu and very young. The most catchy part of her song is the Huh huh huh hu-uh huh she dose...anyone have any ideas?

Should i start kris brown as my kicker or pick up another kicker such as gostkowski or phil dawson?

i am in the fantasy football playoffs and i am leaning towards gostkowski (not since im from Boston) b/c Brady and the Pats are going to dominate the Jets this week, most likely scoring at least 7 tds which would be 7 pts. There is potential for more points beyond that w/ actual FG not just Ext. Pts. All-in-all who should i use as my kicker?

I need more bands to listen to, any suggestions?

The world is your oyster (which means... There is so much cool music out there, just try it out. Go totally different for a couple of artists and see what you think. One that I discovered on MySpace was Mayda and the Shots. Their song "Five" got some exposure on a you tube video about an artist who painted Bruce Lee with karate chop moves. Check it out.

What is the importance of this quotation to the great gatsby?

"It's just a crazy old thing. I just slip it on sometimes when I don't care what I look like."

FUN POLL!!!!♣♣♣♣♣♣♠♠♠♥♥♥☺☺☺☺◘◘◘◘◘○…

robert pattinson-twilight -romance-katy perry-taylor swift-kristen stewartand emma watson both the same...

Can someone help me find the sheet music for "Fantasies on Flotow's Martha" for oboe and piano?

I heard the piece on the CD "Oboe Wizardry" where it was performed by Mark Weigner, oboe, and Arther Rowe, piano. I've had no trouble finding the piano part for Flotow's opera, Martha, but I can't find the title "Fantasies on Flotow's Martha."

I am worried sick about my dog?

shes a staff female 9 months and the last 5 days she hasnt been eating well everytime shes next to me she wants to sleep but if i take her out shes normal ive been giving her human food (boiled chicken or minced beef) because i never had money but know i got her lots of puppy food like cesars butchers and aplaws she dosent eat very well but she eats the cesars i usualy give her 2 trays but now she eats 1 tray through out the hole she hasnt eaten nothing im not sure if its lung worms or parvo virus and todays bank holiday and i tried phoning the rspca emergency but they dont answer then there line is busy i dont the address of it please i need help what could i do i dont have money to go to a normal vet

Why did the jets and ravens get in ahead of the texan's they are all 9-7?

The Jets have a head-to-head victory over Houston and Baltimore has a better conference record than Houston (BAL 7-5, HOU 6-6). It kinda sucks, I wanted to see Houston get to the postseason.

Does he still like me now?

've been good friends with this boy since junior school all the way up to secendary school. And during junior school we fancied eachother and went out for a bit. But in secendary school we were just friends and he used to always hug me and stuff. Like one time he randomally came up to me and hugged me tightly and said "I love you chloe" and he doesn't really hug other girls apart from me. Does he care about me or something?? And also my friend jess spoke to him on facebook chat and was talking to him about the days when I went out with him in year 6 and jess asked him if he would ever like me in that way again, and he said that I am a good friend. But I don't think he will admit it to my friend. What do you think??

Do planets actually revolve around the SUN?

I believe that if u look at quantum physics,the interaction of particle's is a reflection of what we see in space! so what is happening on a small scale is happening on a large scale.(a hologram) so what we perceive as the physical world is orbiting the sun & its the suns energy creating this orbit by creating the force of gravity, & our galaxy in turn is orbiting a larger orbit & so on,& its this interaction that i believe consciousness is controlling! or expanding or creating! so your answer is yes, lol :)

Hiu i was asking if a look pretty (no creeps)?

hi in 6th grade and i like this guys but i dont know if he like me so i was asking if i looks cute or pretty i know i shouldnt be thinking abut this at my age but i was asking? look at my picture

Would You Recommend Me Going Dark Brunnette?

I think you would be cute with brown hair! once you go dark its a long damaging process to go back to blonde again and often takes alot of coloring sessions to get all the way blonde, one of my friends had to go through it. maybe just trying going dirty blonde? then you get brunette & blonde mixed into one.

Terminator Salvation philosophical problem. **Spoilers**?

the films so unrealitic its unbelievably stupid the person like gets the terminator bike stuc under the like wire thing then flings up into the air and takes down one of the flying ones. then the bloke gets stabbed in the heart and lives for like hhours and they just have a heart transplant in the middle of nowere which is stupid the only gd bit in the film was when arnold came out i was like omg how cool :P lol

I need a new pair of shoes have any suggestions?

I need a new everyday pair of shoes. I've been looking around for a while but haven't seem to find any that I really like. I was thinking maybe converse, pastry or puma but i haven't found any that work. If you have any suggestions please tell me. thanx

My Honda is losing oil fast. No oil in the driveway.?

Check your coolant to make sure you dont have the oil leaking into the coolant. if there is oil in the coolant than the head gasket is probably leaking. if not check your engine compression.

What dogs have the least hereditary health issues?

certain dogs are prone to cancer, some are prone to hip dysplasia etc. What over all dog has the least health issues

Do you think John Sergeant was right to pull out of Strictly Come Dancing?

.. on one hand I can see that his weekly triumphs were making a mockery of the hard work and dedication of the other contestants who were booted off.. but on the other hand, has the show and "Brucie" started to take itself a little bit too seriously? It is after all an amateur competition billed as light entertainment, and John was probably the most entertaining of the lot.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wouldn't u love to see Dodgers/ Red Sox?

There are many subplots for this series. Joe Torre vs. Boston again. Hank Steinbrenner would hate to see that. And Joe would love to beat Boston. And of course the biggie. Manny Ramirez returning to Boston. I would love too see that series. U?

GIL CLANCY made a mistake by having Oscar "play it safe" against Trinidad. BUT, WAS OSCAR BETTER OFF WITH GIL?

DESPITE GIL'S MISTAKE by having Oscar "protect a perceived lead" against Felix in their September 13, 1999 clic.......Would Oscar have possibly had an even better career from 1999-into the millenium IF he would have continued to retain the services of the GREAT Gil Clancy?

WHAT DO YOU THINK about this video?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My brother will be going to kuwait in march, with the reserves...?

any ideas on what he may need , that the family could get him ? i am having a going away party, and several people have mentioned ...does he need anything... and i really dont know!

Good sorry letter for girl who lost boyfriend?

hey that's sweet there ain't many people out there that writes letters to make someone cheer up i think that's sweet wot you have done don't change any think cuz she well read this letter and it will not take her long to cheer up and she is so lucky to have you as a friend

What song did Richie Sambora perform solo at the end of the Showtime doentary When We Were Beautiful?

I think it was a cover song of someone elses song and that's why I can't find it online. Please help, I'm going crazy trying to find it. It was the iest most beatiful song ever!

Have you seen Peter Schiff's real to Bernanke's "exit strategy"?

I think Schiff called the crash and Bernanke didn't. I'll go with the opinion of the one who seems to know what he is talking about.

A question about Modeling school?

Im 13, turning 14 this april.. i read that if you attend modeling school, they are most likely to hook you up with a model agency. It's one of my dreams to model for clothing store or brands like roxy, young&reckless, etc. So i was wondering if thats really true?? If so, that'd be great. I'd also like to know if they have any requirements to attend a modeling cl? Thank you in advance!

!!!Need help finding the name of 90's rock song !!?

Hey im having a real big problem with finding the name of a song that i hear once every two years. When i hear the song i connect with it so hard. I believe it was a song that came out in the mid 90's. It's an alternative 90's rock band. They sound kind of like The Foo Fighters and The offspring combined. The only lyrics i can really remember are " yellow brick road". It's not extremely hard rock. It has more of the foo fighters sound to it. It sounds like it can be a good beach tune. Please help me find the name. And it's not elton john lol.

What teams do u hate?

I hate the Steelers, NJ Jets, Patriots, Ravens, Bengels, Dolphins, Broncos, Cowboys, NJ Giants, and Panthers. But out of those teams I hate the Steelers the most.

Is it bad to feel bad about a vasectomy?

My boyfriend has 3 beautiful girls from his last marriage, and before their divorce he got a vasectomy. He and I have been dating a year, and being a women I think of having children. I have never had children, and would really like to have a baby someday. Its getting to the point that its really bothering me that he has a vasectomy and he told me he'd get it reversed but in financially situation we're in, I think it will be a long time before it could ever happen, and it tends to sadden me. Any suggestions???

Who should i start week 3? benjamin watson or kellen winslow? and...?

okay so i have julius jones as one of my running backs along with adrian peterson and willis mcgahee. im not that strong at reciever. i have holmes and patrick crayton/clayton. and i have benjamin watson at tight end along with kellen winslow. so my 2 questions are. should i leave all my running backs in to start? and if so wat reciever should i start along side them? and wat tight end should i start? its week 3. help me plz

Can you pls help with chemical equilibrium? Honors Chemistry question.?

In one experiment 1.0 mol H2O and 1.0 mol CO are put into a flask and heated to 350 C. In a second experiment 1.0 mol H2 and 1.0 mol CO2 are put into another flask with the same volume as the first. This mixture is also heated to 350 C. After equilibrium is reached will there be any difference in the composition of the mixtures in the two flasks?

Has anyone seen the movie 'Amusement'?

I have seen in a brochure in one of the DVD's I have bought that a movie has come out on DVD called 'Amusement'. It is about some clown that kills people or something. The trailer looks really good so I might buy it. But I am wondering why this didn't come out at the cinema here in the UK (i don't recognise it anyways). xxx

Bomb shelter stove question...?

You should stock it with non-perishables such as canned or dried items that can be eaten without cooking. Propane or charcoal put off toxic fumes so unless you have good ventilation they would not be satisfactory. In case of a nuclear type bomb what would you do for ventilation?

My friend hates my boyfriend ?

Tell your friend that she has to respect your feelings/emotions. All she is doing is belittling you. Talk to her and make sure she understands you or else she must not be a real friend.

Why Do I Keep Changing Things?

You keep changing the things you can control because you cannot change the one thing that most needs changing; your relationship. Life is too short to be be unhappy,,,ever. I'm sure you're a beautiful hearted person. If you weren't you wouldn't want someone to help guide you in the right direction. Stress will kill you, so will being unhappy. Make a list of everything you want (need) to change, and i don't mean pain the house;). Every time you change one important thing, cross it out. Feel empowered because you are, although a man can quickly make you feel like you're powerless. The last thing on that list should be him! Get your finances and career in order then cross his *** off the list. Life is way to short sister. You'll have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince and trust me, he's not the one. If you keep wasting time with him, you'll miss out on the guy that's waiting for you in the world, or from simply kicking off your heels and spending peacefull time alone:) Good luck to you. I hope I helped:)

Please can anyone recommend compatible but reliable ink cartridges for Epson Stylus DX4050 printer?

ink2u you can find the cartridges\ you need online if ordered before 2pm they are sent out the same day

Cap & Trade - Is Obama fooling us all?

No , The jig is up! The dance is over , now it's time for a bow ! Will fear of cat calling & rotten tomatoes being tossed bother anyone! Very poor shows get that sometimes.

A Devine creation or "big accident" ? What do YOU think?

The argumentum ad vericundan fallacy requires at least that the authority being cited is respected by the audience. No one has heard of this "Professor Flew" (if he even exist(s/ed)) and of course since no one would put it past the late Paul Harvey to invent "Professor Flew" out of whole cloth he is not worthy of respect either.

MLA style and bibliographies?

I'm doing my first research paper and I'm required to use MLA style. But I'm getting information off the internet, and theres a website that I found ( but it doesnt have the publish date. What do I do? Do I leave that out? Or do I type something else? Help Please!!?

Whose fault is it: no relationship with grandparents?

It's the grandparents fault. They should have established a relationship with their granddaughter from a young age. If you don't like talking to them, then don't. They had plenty of time to build a bond with you.


I'm a guy. I love johnny depp. I'm not gay or anything. But I love how he's just a good actor. He amazes me in all his movies. With most actors, There's that 1 movie that I hate. But with johnny depp, I love all his movies. I recently just watch the first 3 pirates of the Caribbean movies. Awesomeness. I wanna meet johnny depp before I die and take a pic or get a autograph, hopefully both. This guy is always gonna be cool in my books. But I still feel as if he's underrated. But oh well, not to me.

Ive allowed myself to marry and become impregnated by an idiot -___-?

ill give u the short version. we were married young,, i got a divorce from him two weeks ago, but in the midst of that marriage came our little girl who is now 1 1/2. he doesnt have a job and im not sure if hes looking for one. the last job he had (which was paying him very well) he got fired from for ual misconduct, to which he blames the company heads for "watching him because he was so liked around the office". smh. anyway, as of late, thigns have been pretty hard for me financially, and overwhelming, so much so that i tried to call him to let him know that i need him to contribute to our daughter somehow because im not cutting it alone (i have public istance which got screwed up, im towards the end of an unpaid internship, and im just having a hard time finding money to take public transportation to get to work) he doesnt answer his phone. i texted him two days ago saying that we need to talk, he hasnt responded. im so fed up and sad. what should i say to him? he has court order child support from both the marriage and pub istance, both of which he doesnt pay.

Ladies: your opinion?

Talk to her about it tell her your side of what you remember then ask her to tell you her side of what she says happens let her tell you without stopping her then talk about it together! And tell her you are sorry if you did anything she didnt want!

Middle East: who is NEXT in line ?

If you believe Iran has a legitimate democracy, you are sadly mistaken. Do your research before you begin throwing insults around.

Feta cheese and my baby. what is going on?

so, i had a salad the other day, with feta cheese, and i threw it up. same thing happened to me today. i was blaming it on the milk i was drinking, but my boyfriend told me its probably the cheese. so i started reading online about feta cheese and read its potentially harmful to your fetus. my question, as silly as it sounds, is: will my body reject things that could harm my unborn child, or is it still just shitty morning sickness? (almost 5 months, everybody says morning sickness should have subsided. i think thats a crock)

Halo Wars Only Has A Campaign?

In Halo Wars I know that the campaign is the human side, but is their gonna be a skirmish mode where you can use the Covenant and Flood?

Did any one see x factors xtra factor on itv2 last night? How did that girl group trio not get thru?

There was a girl group with a quite nice tanned looking girl, a gorgeous red head with beautiful green eyes and an oriental asian looking female, also a babe. They sang really well in a pre interview then changed the tune and fluffed it. ps I'm in love with the red head and I might post a follow up question on how can i get in touch with her, what are my chances?

Skilled electrician question only.?

on your outlet you will stick the probes into the two vertical slots. the more rounded one at the bottom (typically) is your ground. it doesnt really matter which one goes in what hole. it should work either way. but if you really wanted to you could stick your red probe into the shorter slot(hot) and black into longer slot(neutral). if you wanted to test if its grounded or not, stick one probe into the shorter slot and the other probe into the ground(the more rounded one). again it shouldnt matter which one.

What are you favorite My Chemical Romance lyrics?

Your favorite MCR lyrics, what the words say and the song means not your favorite song to listen to. Why are they you're favorite song, do they hold any meaning to you in specific?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

For Disney Channel Watchers:?

I missed the new February movie. Was it an "old-school" DCOM? (referring to difference between the movies' quality then and now)

Do I need to sharpen my new ice skates before I go out on the ice with them?

They are ready to go ! When you skate, you are actually floating on water which freezes straight away after you have moved on. If the skates were sharp, you wouldn't move !

Who's the smartest, George Bush Jr., Dan Quayle, or Mitt Romney?

Hard to rate Mitt maybe, can't tell if he is not too bright, or just lies. For instance, claimed he saw his dad George Romney march with M.L.King when records show it never happened. (When found out, he backpedaled). Thanks for your opinions!

Where were you when you first heard Brett Favre's consecutive game starting streak ended at 297?

Sitting in my computer room. And to be honest, I hope there are no "I hate Favre, I'm glad he's done comments." on this fourm tonight. There shouldn't be. It's sad to hear people bash him. They can only focus on his retirment drama. Why, for once can't we focus on all the good things he's done?

I wishes to try IT job?

The interviewer asked me lots of technical ques. i cant answer at all. but i wishes to try in this field. i did asked him to giv me a chance. i hav diploma cert. only. I have no experience in this field. my experiences in the past was customer service, warehousing and purchasing. as the interviewer what is your suggestion for me.

Best Programs or Dvd's for tv calibration?

my tv is starting to get old but far from a bad picture, but i would like to know if there are any free or near to free programs or dvd's to calibrate my tv and just sharpen it up, it is an LCD if thats any help

Do you think that Gandhi's system of non-violent resistance would work in today's societies? Why or why not?

Would it be a good idea to practice non-violence against current issues, for example economy, colonization, wars, and other differences among two or more nations?

Theme of betrayal in Hamlet?

I have to write a literary ysis on the theme of betrayal in Hamlet and how it affects the work as a whole for my AP Literature cl. I've been trying for the past several days to write a good, strong thesis but it just isn't working out, and I obviously can't write a decent paper without a decent introduction. What I really need are some ideas to point me in the right direction.

Hi. can someone explain to me exactly how to use an oyster card? Thanks?

I live in Newcastle and i'm visiting London for a week. I have bought an oyster card but im not entirely sure what i am supposed to be doing with it. Any help would be great. Thanks

How can I find people to hangout with? serious answers plz?

Do stuff you like to do alone, but do it in groups. Join a chior if you sing, go on a group hike if you like walking and nature, join a pet lover's club if you have/love an animal, etc. Just remember to be yourself and don't be too pushy. Have fun around other people.

Is it safe to travel to Puerto Rico, is there really a huge quake waiting to happen some time this month?

I have a trip planned for the end of this month that will run into the first week & a half of July! Should I cancel my flight?

Need cross country help for asthma?

i'm a pretty advanced runner but I got bronchitis and I thought I was over it but I tried competing last week and I couldn't breathe at all. I went to the doctor 2 days ago and he said I have exercise induced asthma and gave me Advair. I've been taking it for a couple days but I guess it takes a while to start having an effect. Should I try running in a meet tomorrow and maybe use a friend's regular inhaler or is it not worth it? and should i be running at all right now if the Advair hasn't really started working yet?

Why does everyone say, or ume that LeBron will never get a ring in his entire NBA career? he is only 25?

LeBron is simply just entering his Prime, Michael Jordan did not get his first ring until age 28, Kevin Garnett had to wait more than a decade to get his first ring, he was like 31 or 32 when he got his first ring, so LeBron still has plenty of time, but do you think LeBron will ever get a ring? or will he join Elgin Baylor, Charles Barkley, John Stockton, Karl Malone, Reggie Miller, Allen Iverson?

What is the "secret society" in the Great Gatsby?

I'm not certain (haven't read this book for a while), but i believe it is referring to bootlegging. Gatsby sold alcohol illegally (and secretly) during the Prohibition era.

I want a pet but i dont think my parents will let me get a pet. I dont think they think i am ready?

my little sister got a pet and they r talking about she can take care of a pet. I really think i am ready to own a pet. I dont know how to tell them that though. Im felling they trust my little sis better then me she got a crab and she takes care of it. I really want a hamster for like two months now but i dont know how to tell them. If they let me have a pet what do u think i should get im curious. I like stuff i can hold and play with. Please also let me know how to tell my parents i think i am ready.

What is my stereo-type?

ohh, who needs stereotypes? you'd be much happier if you didn't try to force yourself into a category. :)

Advice on Honda Turbo and engine?

i have a 95 prelude with a 92 h22a vtec. now, the engine has 158000 miles on it, i want to change valves, pistons, manifold, rods, cam gears and other internals because i want to get a turbo, but i want my engine to be right then to blow it. now, being at the high milage that the engine is at, is it worht it to put all these new internal parts in or just get a new engine period and then put them on?

Power graphics...which one ?

I have 2 Sapphire HD4870's 1gb and I love them. They play any games maxed out with great frame rates. They HD4870 beats out the NVIDIA GTX 260 in benchmarks. The HD4870 has a really good prices too. You may also want to consider the HD4890 that came out recently too.

Do I HAVE to purchase a car at the dealership that it was originally leased at?

Why not just buy it from her now? Call Lexus Financial, get the payoff, and buy it from her. Problem solved. Then she can get herself a new car....easy, peasy, japaneezy

What is the reason for an increase in the number of volcanic eruptions?

The mantle in the earth has different dencities and as the earth turns the interior of the earth moves a little slower causing plates to shift. also in subduction zones (techtonic plates meeting and one folding other onother , occationaly slipps releacing emence amounts of energy. This is about all I know..

Wat should i do about him ?

Okay well we only have 1 cl together n we tryed to sit next 2 eachother n he always tryed 2 touch me n ake me lauf n talk 2 me untill... last friday he was running n he ran behind me n grabbed y arm i said wat was that 4 his friend said cuz he wanted 2 touch me.. i replyed ewww that nasty n walked away ... i was such a JERK i noe but now he wont talk 2 me wat shud i do im really shy??

White jean mini skirt?

its not the season for skirts so im having problems finding a white 1. i found a rly cute 1 on wet seals website but my size only came in black. it needs to be a 0. dont say anything about my size cuz im in 7th grade. ok. well if you can find 1 then thank u so much. whoever gets the cutest 1 will get best answer. and make sure its jean cuz thats important. kay thanks so mucho!

Recommend me some songs please!?!?

jigsaw falling into place by radiohead. i could just give you a big list of songs but ill just give you one, just make sure to listen to it!

Anatomy and physiology?

a 14 year old girl complains of gines, rumbling sounds, cramps, and diarrhea after drinking a gl of milk. At first she umes indigestion;how ever. every time she consumes milk or milk products the symptoms reappear. what is her problem? what strategies will be necessary for her to cope effectively with the problem?

Are 3 giant spaceships planning to attack earth?

Pure baloney, as explained here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Which one is correct? "With ACME is easy to clean the garden" or "With ACME it is easy to clean the garden"?

I am talking of a phrase that will appear in a brochure or promotional material, that is, it has to be formal language...

What do you think of white people adopting black children?

My fiancee and I found a baby girl we want to adopt...she is from Ghana (dark-skinned). We've tried talking to people about it and I am a little saddened that it's such a controversial subject to many people. I think as long as the child has a loving, safe home that is all that matters...

Trying to understand Christianity and the Bible! Please explain?

Hello...Well first of all you don't understand the bible over night and there are allot of people who don't understand the bible and they give a wrong understanding of the bible to those who are trying to understand...The bible gives us a history of what took place thousands of years ago right up to were we are now in this day and age...What we are seeing in this world today is what the bible says in the book of second timothy were it says in the last days men will wax worst and worst and the love of many will grow cold and many shall depart from the faith...Scientist try to give a understanding of what they view to happen in the world cause of what they see but the problem is they are not 100% right..The bible says that there is a day appointed by the man Jesus Christ were God will judge this world..God knows exactly what is going on in this world we live down to every detail the bible says in the book of chronicles that the eyes of God are from one end to the next in the earth...In the book of revelation Jesus says behold i come quickly and my reward is with me God will return to fix this earth after all he is the creator...

Friday, August 12, 2011

What are the measurements of an American Girl Doll bedspread?

i have one and i made the quilt. it should be about 20 inches in length or more depending on the bed, and however long you want in width.

I want to find information about robots.?

I have a lesson in school called technology.Everyone has taken a subject and they search for information.I've selected a subject asbout robots.Iwant to find As much information as possible.Please give me some links that say anything about robots and that kind of tecnology.

Wisdom Tooth?

I've been having some pain and irritation in my teeth in the upper left back corner of my mouth. My gums in that area have been bleeding for a couple of days. A few people have told me that I am getting my wisdom teeth in. I wasn't sure about this seeing as how i am only 15. I also noticed that the first 2 molars on that side are starting to grow crooked. One is growing inward and the other outward. Is this a result of a wisdom tooth coming in? If it is does this mean that i will have to have it removed? Ill probably make an appointment with my dentist in the near future, but if anyone has information, please share. Thx -Jess

Libra Stellium?

I was born 7th October 1991 with a libra stellium in sun/moon/mercury/mars..but what i want to know is how would you characterise Capricorn rising with neptune/ur conjunct the ascendant with saturn, neptune & ur in the first house? sounds interesting, thanks, allso any free astro info would be appreciated.

Where can I find a simple black Harley Davidson hat?

Go to HD web and then click on motorclothes ....Once there you will find all the availabe apparel that Harley selss as genuine motorclothes....Then you can click on a dealer locater nearest you based on your address that you provide ...Simply call them and see if they have that hat for sale. OR purchase it on line direct form HD

What companies sell Ethanol?

The ethanol made from corn that is, i'm doing a project for my cl and i can't seem to find what companies do, if you could help me i would dearly appreciate it

How do scientists tell earth's climate history from ice cores?

I read that O-18 isotopes indicate that the earth has been in a warming period, while O-16 means that the earth went through colder conditions. How do scientists tell from the ice core what period this falls under?

Survey: What kind of Desert would you resemble yourself as?

I'm abit of a Jam Tart but like to think of myself as a finely made chocolate profiterole with gold edged trimming!.

What do Recurring Dreams mean?

anxiety re: the unknown (upstairs) I bet when you finally get up there you will not dream this again. It may indicate you need to resolve something. I've experienced something similar some years ago.

Is it permissible to take mobile phones to school in Leeds, especially in (parklands girls high school)??

You'd have to ring the school and check. Every school has a different policy; some ban phones completely, others allow them as long as they're switched off in cl.

Being banned from mifflin count freecycle?

I ,too, was banned from a group with NO explanation as to why! I think yahoo should make it a RULE that group moderators MUST give the person being banned an explanation as to why! Doe anyone agree?

OUT OF CURIOUSITY What are things a girl should never say to a guy friend?

Never ask to use him as "ual practice" for your boyfriends. That really throws us off. Also, stay away from underwear/lingerie questions.

Where can I live? Suggestions? ?

It's imperative I move away from my house for reasons I can not discuss. What is/are the cheapest ways of doing this. I am 21 and from the Willow Grove area in Pa. I do not have much money thus asking for the cheapest ways. I do not want to move into Philadelphia or "the hood". I just need something small and affordable as I do not make much money. I don't mind saving just a little here and there to move to big and better places, at this point I need whats best for me now. Cheap apartments? If so where and how do I find them? How about a "living" hotel? How do I find those and how much do they usually cost? I wish they had brochures on these kinds of things lol. Suggestions? Also, how much money should I have before I attempt to face the "real" world? Thank you so much for your time.

Do guys get shy around girls that they like?!?

Dont seem desperate. just smile when he looks at you and keep walking. dont stare at him the whole time.. but dont play too hard to get either!! we do that sometimes. just smile. eye contact is xxxxy. if he likes you he will make a move eventually. and if hes shy. thennnn he's shy and we all know what that means

Why do we sometimes say "an" before a word beginning with H?

it goes before a vowel sound or a silent h. for example, an honorable mention or an honest approach would work

What's the best spelling for the name 'carry'?

I like Carrie best - I generally prefer names spelt with a C, because they tend to look so much cuter and prettier. It depends how you want the name pronounced though. I would pronounce Carrie/Cari/Kari as CAH-Ree, Carey/Karey as CARE-Ree and Kerry/Keri as KEH-Ree. :]

I need help!!!!!!!!!!?

i have a project and its in sports marketing and i had to pick a place that needs a team for b-ball or football and i picked Las Vegas and the team named would be the vegas aces so what would be a good mascot and it doest have to even relate to the team name...also if you have a better team name then hit me up aight thanks........also whats a good team color for las vegas

Who do you like best among the four boys in Boys Before Flowers?

i love all of them, but if i would have to pick one it would be yi jung because he is soo cute, he has an interesting personality and it gets so adorable when i see him with ga eul. i like ji hoo because he is a really great friend. he's also really cool supportive and kind. plus, he looks really good with his hair cut short. i like woo bin because hes really cool, comforting and funny. i love it when he says those english lines :) i like jun pyo because when he acts, i can really feel what he is feeling. hes also funny when he gets the sayings wrong. and he really cares for jan di.

Help solve this science problem. plee?

Oxygen 16 and oxygen 17 are 2 different isotopes of oxygen. The numbers 16 & 17 represent their m numbers. How many protons and neutrons are in each isotope?

How do I stop my dog from peeing on his front feet?

I have a 12 week old mini schnauzer that is trained to pee on a pad. Recently he has been shooting forward between his front feet. Sometimes he pees directly on one of his feet but otherwise the soil just spreads to his feet and gets both of them wet requiring me to wipe him and footprints each time he goes. Previously he was shooting straight down and it wasn't a problem. Any suggestions on how to address this? Very frustrating since he is going in the right place but not aiming correctly!

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!! Question about Narnia!!!?

In the lion witch and wardrobe, how does the problem in the story get resolved and what role does aslan play in the solution. Is it when he sacrifices himself?? Also, what is the theme/lesson in this book!!! Please Help!!! Best answer gets 10 pts.!!!!

Does this seem like a girl that loves me?

yeah but theres more to it like you have so much in common like you knw what each wants and is going say and are like best friends and so in sync you got alot to learn

Is "Crib" a good name for modern hostel in Bangkok?

I am opening a hostel in bangkok for clean and modern travelers. You can suggest additional syllabus to make the name "cooler".

Kingdom hearts 2 how to get high jump lv2+ and ariel recovery lv1+?

how do I get those two abilitys? i need to BEAT SEPHIROTH and i need those to do it or else im toast so plz somone tell me and how do i get it not from the world that never was or twilight town plz help

Are these good lists for My kids for Christmas?

Dear Lady, you should never have to give kids items that make them work for Christmas presents. If you really need your child to sew you should buy that out of necessity. I do agree with you that is is a good learning tool for a young boy to learn how to sew but he doesn't need tools for his presents. Also I really do not see it fit for a 19 month old boy to be vacuuming. Do the kids not have shoes already?

Can i marry my mother's brother's son?

you are NOT supposed to marry your cousin. That's nasty. The feelings you have are inappropriate. There are enough people in the world that you can find someone else.

Could Iraqis watch Western TV during 1st Gulf War?

I have a scene where the main character watches TV after Iraq retreats fro Kuwait. The TV says the Americans will not follow into Iraq. Could this have happened or was only Iraq State TV avaliable?

Ideas for twin day? help please?!?

My friend and I don't know what to be for twin day at school. We thought rockstars, cheetah girls, mario and luigi.... we want to do something really good though. any ideas?

Is Roman Polanski a victim of tactical, Feminist agenda?

I am far from a feminist but he d a 13 year old girl and fled the country. The only thing sick is you defending him.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Whish of these lessons with a moral is the funniest..... why?

You my friend are wasting yoour time on should be on stage....funnier than some of the so called comediennes on TV....9/10

Am I prejudice for thinking that ity is wrong?

have you ever heard of population control? and btw there is uality behavior in many species of animals. I'm not offended that ity is wrong for you but don't tell me what's right and wrong for me. k?

I dont know what to do! im stuck. help!!!?

what would you do if you had a best friend who you loved and he also loved you back but he has a gf for like a yr and a half?? bd he wanted you to be his first??

Why is there a fuss about the Ronaldo cash not being available at Man.United?

is your Life that Trival that you come up with these constant drivels,does anyone par yourself really care..just give it a rest and stop been an embarment.

Why does nobody ask George & Cindy Anthony why they believed Casey for so long?

OK I've been watching the Casey Anthony trial & I just can't believe that Fox News, CNN, HNL, & the court wouldn't ask the question "Why would George & Cindy Anthony believe Casey for 31 days that Caylee was at the nanny's house?" It doesn't make any sense !!! If your daughter & her little girl lived with you like Casey & Caylee lived with George & Cindy Anthony and two days ped by... Much less 31 days "a whole month" with no sign of Caylee... Knowing Casey was a wild mother why did George & Cindy Anthony not look into the situation before even 24 hours? Also wouldn't a young woman like Casey be to paranoid to dump the remains just a couple of blocks from there home? To me a first time killer would drive the remains at least 150 miles from the home paranoid that somebody would find the remains! The only person who would have the guts to dump the remains just two blocks from their home would be somebody who knows cops & how cops think !!! If you ask me I believe all three of the Anthony's where involved & George Anthony murdered Caylee!

Depressed about girl i like?

the girl i like asked me who i like. i told her who do u like. she said hes in our homeroom. has blonde hair. ....i have black hair. could she have been talking about me still? theres someone in our homeroom that in math looked like she flirted with but his hair is dirty blonde. is there still a chance for me?

What's the use for royalty nowadays?

I live in Britain.....touche. Unelected, unaccountable, unlimited term heads of state should have died out a long time ago. Im not a Bolshevik but they had the right idea in 1918.

Would ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 graphics run these games?

radeon 4250 is far higher than gma 4500. but to play a game, you need other hardware support such as processor and ram. also, windows vista need doubled requirement to play than win. xp or 7.

Can I get rid of the clicks and pops on my computer's sound?

I have a near brand new hp touchsmart tm2 with windows 7, the sound system which includes the speakers and headphones makes clicks and pops while playing audio, especially the headphones and I have tried several. The program that operates the sound is IDT and I went to their website and read that what causes the pops and clicks are basically power surges. It had a list of preventatives but it all didn't make any sense, I'm pretty sure it said a program can help. Some of the settings in the IDT menu like power options say that while this feature is on you may hear pops and clicks but when i turn it off nothing changes, I have tried every combination of settings. I am not computer illiterate, I do not blare my music, and I have tried reinstalling my drivers. Is there a program (preferably free) that will reduce these annoyances? Help appreciated!

What do you think is the most violently disturbing scene ever in a film?

The movie Hannibal Rising was just disturbing period. There was not a single good thought to that movie and it wasn't very good anyway but to give you a couple of examples. The whole story revolves around German soldiers killing and eating Hannibal's little sister. Bad enough?

How many skeins of yarn are needed to crochet a decent sized blanket?

Do I need 7 large skeins? I've only ever made scarves before and I don't want to buy too much yarn. A large skein where I live is about $7. 7x7=$49 that's way too expensive for a darn blanket!

Which of these two girls is my TRUE best friend?

I say if you have to ask then neither. However I think friend 2 is a better friend because the only things you listed under disadvantages is the fact that you rarely see each other. And it doesn't matter if she hates one of your friends, good friends don't need to like each other's friends. I don't like some of my best friend's friends and vice versa, but it's not a big deal because we are mature about it.

What are the best "little" towns to visit in the Czech Republic not including (Prague/Ceske Krumlov) and WHY?

Olomoc - I'm not sure but I met a girl while I was in Vienna and she had just visited there. She talked about how great it was non-stop.

Could she be depressed?

i had two rabbits and one died yesterday we have no idea what happened to the other rabbit but we found her in the cage and she was really floppy and had shallow breaths she was pooping and peeing normally and eating only hours before i checked her after she died and she had no broken bones and way i cleaned out the cage incase it was a spider bite and checked out the other rabbit who seems fine !she is also still eating and drinking.... but i was just wondering as they were both 12 weeks old and brought from the same breeder (from different litters) but have been together for a while would the bunny miss her mate ? she has been aggressive towards my mum and brother (biting and scratching) and will only allow me to pick her up and hug her and she snuggles under my jumper and stays there, she is still eating and drinking i stay and watch her eat and drink. she still hops around and to make up for the other bunny not being in the cage at night i have put a box with a warm blanket in which she sleeps in just so it keeps her warm and she has something to snuggle with! i just don't want her to get depressed and die .. it was sad enough to loose my other bunny ! i don't want to lose her to !

What is this game called?

all i remember is that you were a little animal hippo thingy shooting arrows at crocodile like monsters i dont remember much else other than it was very old and had a one word title that was kind of weird i dont really think i liked the game but i think it would bring back some memories if i did see it again does anyone know the title for this game?

This question is going to be tmi?

ok yahoo...this isn't kris this is actually her husband but my question wife and i were making love and i felt her stomach get real hard on side...she said it was the baby crowding to one that all babies do that in utero or was it something i did to make it do that...she said after the knot went away that she could feel it moving that normal...with the first pregnancy i was away for a while so i didn't get to experience early pregnancy stuff with her...and when i did get back she experienced something similar the first time and she started having contractions but her whole belly got hard...should i be worried...she tried to put my mind at ease and said she was fine but i'm still a little nervous...could any of the women help me out...

Data execution prevention message: How do I turn it off?

For about 2 weeks now, every time I open up a new page (I use Internet Explorer and no I don't want to use Firefox or Google chrome) or I navigate to a new page, the page is closed and I get a data execution prevention message. I know that the websites I am going to are safe because they are all for school and I never had a problem before. How do I turn it off? I looked at the settings and it should only be turning on DEP for "essential windows programs only". I just want to turn it off completely.

What is the site of synthesis of proteins for export (secretion from the cell)?

Ribosomes embedded in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. once synthesized they enter the cisternae of the rough er where they are sorted into vesicles and sented to the golgi complex for modification. after that they are put into vesicles again and secreted via endocytosis

Why did the Protestant Reformers choose to use the Hebrew Old Testament, instead of the Septuagint?

Prove that the Septuagint is anything but a myth and we can talk. Absent empirical evidence, all is historical mythology.

Is leven thumps and the gateway to foo a good book?

well, tommorow obert skye is coming to our school and if you want to have one of signed autographed books then u have to pay beforehand but im not sure if i want to purchase the book...if anyone knows waht i mean...well cause having a book that is autographed is a pretty big deal if you are a book worm...(which i am) and by the way the book costs 9 bucks

What would you do for your cat?

I should let him go and get a kitten at Christmas to console you with its scampering and game-playing fun.

Can I refuse to take depression and anxiety medicine if I am 15?

When I was 12 I went through a difficult period. I didn't feel confident in myself and my body. I was treated with depression medication and did not mind taking the pill. I then developed anorexia. I was treated at a hospital as an outpatient. I never liked doctors and I felt that the doctors helping me were not treating me with respect. In fact, I don't believe they were treating me or talking to me as a person. The doctors treated me as a disease, they said that everything I said was just because of anorexia. I screamed for attention becasue no one would listen to how I would like to be treated. I became manic when my doctor announced that I would need to take another medication, an anxiety pill. I was so upset because I felt decisions were not being run by me, I was not involved in conversations, and I wanted other options for treatment besides pills. The doctors told me to see a therapist but by then I had lost my trust, respect, and total overall relationship with them. When I was taken to the therapist I was rebellious and did not speak!! After I overcame anorexia my doctors and parents still told me to take these depression and anxiety pills. After sustaining a healthy weight for years now I do not want to take these medications anymore as they remind me of my troubled past. I want to be completely clear of that unpleasant situation. After visiting with several doctors over six months-a year, none of the doctors have agreed to allow me to experiment with coming off my medications. They say "I do not see why we have to mess up a good thing, these pills are working for you." (they are refering to my great grades and level attitude) I try to argue that I have alwyas had good grades and have matured since 12-13 (as I am 16 in february and in a new town and school) The doctors also bring up the fact that my family has a history of depression. I argue that no one can tell if my depression is hereditary or permanant until I try to come off of the medication and evaluate the effects ( some people actually most people have temporary side effects). The final reason my doctors will not let me come off the pills is that my parents observe anixous and short tempered behavior after not taking the medication for a few days. My argument is that this happens to most people for a brief period when coming off an addiction (my case pills other people maybe ciggerettes) I have gone against my doctors and secretly have stopped taking the pills for one month now. I went through the anixious side effects and now I feel fine! And no one has questioned me being off meds of noticed strange behaviours. What should I do to get my parents and doctors to agree to let me come off of this stuff? Am I old enough to refuse it? I can't hide this for long! THANK YOU AND HELP!!!

What is the title of this French movie?

It centers on an illiterate man who is stuck in a prisoner-of-war camp. The illiterate man has his buddy write a letter for him. It's addressed to his wife and all he says in the three-page letter is: "Je t'aime."

I am 92 kgs , daily i JOG 4kms so how many days i take to become 75 kgs ?

You want to lose no more than .9 kgs a week to remain healthy, and in my opinion happy! If you increase your running and eat more healthfully, you can expect to reach your target weight in about 20 weeks or 5 months. I would allow yourself more freedom though and lose weight more slowly. Aim for a good six months of diet and exercise.

How do i split up with my girlfriend nicely?

I have been in relationship with this girl for about an year now. A month ago we had an arguement and we stopped speaking to each for some time, and it was when my best friend jumped in and brought us back together, and they started speaking to each other. But then i realised they both are trying to get into a relationship. I caught my friend texing her the stuff he's not supposed to. I trield talking to both of them about what is goin on. Wel, they both apologized that it was only meant to bring me and her together, and promised they wont be contacting each other agian. Later after a week i found out they are still contacting each other and my friend's attitude has turned kinda funny with me. She's acting a bit distant. I love this women, she always been nice to me no matter what happened. But, I know realize its time for me to move on and also leave my friend behind. The problem is know she is in a lot pain, awaiting an operation in hospital and i can't carry on with this feelin what she has done to me. my question is, how do i split with her nicely in manner she realizes what she has been doing?

Football game poster ideas.!?

I have a football game tomorrow, and all cheerleaders are required to make posters. I don.t know what to put on it. help please. mascot is the hawks, and colors are navy blue and gold! thanks.

Hey ladies question for you and guys feel free to answer?

B for the first part, and A for the gift. It kind of reminds me of the movie, A Walk To Remember! Then while you both are gazing at the stars, you could suprise her with it :) Plus I think getting her a star is a more romantic thing, first because it is next to yours, and second because it's a permanent thing so I could be trying to say that you want to be with her forever because stars can't get destroyed !

I'm Makeup Challeneged!?

Honestly, I'm not a make up person. But I have a competition(I'm in Color Guard) coming up and I need some major make up tips! I have skin that's close to Gabrielle Union's or maybe Angela Bet. So I was wondering did anyone know any good but low costing liquid foundation and loose powder stuff? Lately I have used Rimmel London's bronzer but I need something new. Help!

College chemistry help?

i am a freshman at ou and I am trying to get ahead in my chemistry cl so can you explain how to calculate the m in grams of iodine (I2) that will react completely with 22.8 g of aluminum (Al) to form aluminum iodide (AlI3). thank you for any help or advice

PC Keeps going to a blue screen that says windows has been shut down from file NTFS.SYS How do I get to window

How do I get back to the windows screen? Every time it starts to load windows, I get a blue screen that has different error messages. I do NOT have the original Windows XP CD to load it, but I do have the OS disc. I don't know what to do. Thank you! I think I need to fix the file, how do I do it?

Why is this little girl so mean to me...please answer!?

she's in my ballet cl and she's going to be in 5th grade. i'm going to be in 9th grade. she's in my church, ballet cl and she's fat. she's the pastor's granddaughter. she keeps botherin my lil sis saying rude things and making mean comments of her, making sure my sis doesn't talk to her friends, and other things. today in ballet cl i wore these pants (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a with this shirt of mine and she looked at me after i changed after ballet cl and said EW! in front of everyone=[ and she doesn't give me any respect. i mean she's the pastor's granddaughter; shouldn't she know better? i hate her and even though it was a lil girl saying it n stuff i get rly offended by those kind of things. no matter whose saying mom says she's just jealous cause she's fat and can't wear stuff like me. everyone kept looking at my it weird? can anyone cheer me up='[ sorry if i sound mean=/

Please Help Me with this Question?

First you have to identify a compound of lead that is insoluble in water, such as lead carbonate, lead fluoride or lead sulfite. You would then add a solution of a soluble compound that provides the necessary anion to react with lead to produce the insoluble compound. For example you could add sodium carbonate, to precipitate lead carbonate. If the waste sample is acidic however, that would not be a good choice since carbonate is unstable in acid. Then you might use sodium fluoride and precipitate lead fluoride. You also have to make sure that the compound you are adding is not likely to react with other ions to produce other insoluble compounds. Sodium fluoride is a good choice because all sodium salts and almost all fluoride salts are readily soluble in water.

How do i remove the stains off my white sneakers that were left by red jeans?

i wore my bright red keans with my white high tops... not smart. i figured because the jeans had recently been washed the dye wouldn't bleed but it did and now my favorite shoes look horrible. hlp plz!!!

Teens whats some good books?

I'm sorry, not trying to be rude but if your fifteen why can't you read Harry potter? Anyways, I'm fifteen too and this year my favorite books are my sister's keeper, the last song and wicked. Plzz note, don't judge the first two books by their movies because the books are so much better and deeper and stuff.......HAVE FUN FELLOW BOOK WORM!!

Rate my elemental hero deck please.?

You could add Clay charge, burst return,o-oversoul,e-emergancy call,mirage of nightmare,draining shield,emergancy provisions

Do you think that i'm an overeater?

well when you include words like "smothered, large bowl, several, inhaled, more, scoffed" these generally have negative connotations, too much candy btw

Is this some kind of disorder?

Well, don't know how old you are. Not sure if this is a disorder but it is rather unusual to be thinking that everyone thinks of you in a ual way, especially when you talk about your mom and brothers and possibly your teachers. You really do need to discuss this with someone you trust! This is going to affect your life in a negative way if it continues. Believe me, a person who councils for a living would not think it weird as they are trained to deal with all sorts of problems! If you were physically ill you would get help, why is this different? So start with someone you really really trust. A school counselor for one. Don't go to your friends they probably wont understand but who knows.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Eastenders true or not?

is cindy beale really coming back? i heard the body they identified years ago weren't really hers or sum crap like that. anyone know?

Can Leonardo Da Vinci's helicopter fly?

If it had an engine could it? Or would if have a tendency to spin like early prototype helicopters before they had a second rotor? What If there was a second screw spinning in the opposite direction?

What Should I Wear To This Premiere?

I won tickets yesterday to the Australian premiere of "Did you hear about the Morgans?" and I have no idea what I should wear, do I get dressed up or just go casual? Hugh grant and a whole lot of A list celebs will be there.

It must have been awful, back when I could ask 100 questions per day...Do you like my poem?

I love the way this manages to be playful with language, and yet have a bit of a dark edge to it. The first stanza, in particular, is actually a bit chilling as I re-read it. Nice job!

Dell Inspiron 1525 stuck on Microsoft Corporation loading bar screen.?

Couple days ago I was downloading a file and while the norton 360 scanned it the computers hard drive started making these weird noises so I turn off the computer. When I turn it on it won't load windows, all it does is stay on the microsoft corporation bar. I tried to go to safe mode but it stop on this file \windows\system32\drivers\crcdisk.sys. Another thing I tried was trying boot it up with the Vista installation disc but no change. What should I do next? This is a Dell Inspiron 1525 Vista

What Are Some Of The Quickest And Easiest Crochet & Knitting Projects?

As Christmas quickly approaches I'm finding it SO difficult to finish some of my longer, more complicated projects. I don't read patterns very well and tend to "knit/crochet but vision" (as opposed to "playing music by ear"). Anyone have any quick ideas that would take more than a day or so?

I Need Help Budgeting My Around the World Trip?

I'm planning on starting in Hong Kong, going from their through South East Asia (Cambodia, Thailand) then to Nepal, then India, then to Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Tanzania, Kenya, and Morroco, before returning home to the US. I'm thinking this whole trip will take 5-6 months. I'm expecting to backpack, stay in cheap to medium hotels. How much do you think I should save for this trip?

UGG boots for boys,Whats your opinion?

Im 13 and in middle school.The hottest boy in my grade wears these new mens Ugg boots. They are called ugg clic bomber boots.He's like the captain of the school football team and plays baseball. He wears his new Uggs practically everday day so far.Basically he wears them with jeans over his boots,and a long sleeve dress shirt,or jeans,a t-shirt and hoodie, or jeans and a t-shirt with a sweater.You cant even tell they are Uggs unless he sits down and you can see the Ugg australia tags on the heels, they look pretty much like any other winter leather boot (like Timberlands I'd say).Some of the girls in my grade myself included have even started to wear our clic short boots with our jeans over them like he does.another boy even wore Uggs to school today.I think the right boys can pull it off and they do look cool. Why shouldn't boys have warm and comfortable boots anyways? Besides on the Ugg website they do sell them and boys wore them first.

Why doesn't my 1991 isuzu trooper heat,?

I replaced the thermostat, the water pump, the freeze plugs, and the guage still doesn't move past cold

Help! How do I handle my ex-mother-in-law?

During my weekends, she interferes with my disciplining my teenage daughters. If I ground them, or if we even have a minor disagreement, she will be over at my house and pick them up!! In truth, they'll call her or text her and ask her to, but only to get out of punishment. This is completely undermining me. She is trying to drive a wedge between me and my children. I have asked their father to intervene, but he won't. He says she has his permission to pick up the girls anytime.

SKy TV but want to ADD a freeview box..?

I have Sky TV using a dish but feed other rooms in the house with a splitter, however i would like to buy a freeview box for my daughters room. Can I plug in the sky feeder arial into the freeview box and use that to allow her to watch other programs while we watch the sky.. or if not how can i do this without getting another ariel on my property. any advice would be most appreciated

Would Kansas City make a good NBA city?

I Believe it would IF the Ownership were not like the Arthur Gl (The Owner of the Royals). With Denver and OKC close in Proximity they would be natural rivals and IF they were to use the whole "basketball was invented here" angle. Kansas City is the 7th largest city in land area and that is just KC Mo., Kansas City Kansas is #15 on that list so put them together with the Fact that in between K.C. and Denver there is nothing! I think they would get more Support than people realize, the Chiefs have all of N &S Dakota & MOST Nebraska and the more than half of the state of Missouri as well as about 50/50 split with the Broncos in Kansas and with the Bears in Iowa and i haven't even mentioned the South with Arkansas and Louisiana, I know i'm going to the extreme to think they would have that big of a fan base but it's possible. People laughed about colorado getting a Hockey team and look how big the Avalanche are in their fan base, EVERYTHING west of St. Louis, East of LA and south of Canada is a fan of the 'Vanche..... and think about it they would almost certainly start out as the #2 Team in town as the Royals are perennial 100 game losers and they still have a GIANT Fan Base and still seem to fill the seats most games and just think with an expansion team they would get the first pick in the draft lottery and hey if you can take ANY player you want why not take the senior star from the KU Jay hawks and ensure your fan base? Will they be the Chicago Bulls or L.A. Fakers with their fan base? Probably not but they could be a success full team given the owners will to win and build a great fan base!

Is this computer system worth it for the next 5 years?

With proper use, this system should last 5 years or more. Normal wear and tear would also be visible by that time and expect some performance degradation. Technologies right now are upgraded every 6 months so expect that this system is outdated in 5 years.

9/11 Mysteries - what do you think of this movie?

Don't believe it and have seen a few other movies in this vein. Intriguing ideas but to what end, a quagmire in Iraq seems like a rather poor master plan. Hope you use your right to vote in the next election.

What is this vampire movie? (Cancer, Suicide, Vampirism)?

Okay, I know I have the movie somewhere but I can't find it on the shelf. Basically, there's this girl who is an dancer and wears a purple wig. She has cancer and there's this long scene of a message she left her boyfriend about how she was killing herself and it's very touching. They f ind her dead body in the tub with blood all over the place but later on you find out she's a vampire. Only the women can make other people vampires. She makes her boyfriend one and her boyfriend tries to make another girl a vampire but he just ends up killing her accidentally.

Are there any straight men out there who merely feel indifferent to two men kissing rather than grossed out?

seems you're looking for a positive answer, but i can tell u that one does not have to be insecure not to agree with it.i'm indiffrent what other people think &'s their lives and they are free to do whatever they want to do..does not affect me.

Now that the Broncos got Orton...?

How will he do there? I think he is underrated. He was a top 15 QB before his injury last season. Plus his #1 receiver was Devin Hester, which is just a joke.

Is non jews forbidden to get married to jews?

i hv a boyfriend-religious wev been 2gether 4 almost 3 yers,he lives in his parents and i ask him many times if i can meet his family n he said no theyll not acept us bec im not a jew,and i ask him if we can go to cyprus to get married and when we come back il do the convertion,so he asked his rabbi n said "NO",its against the rules and the religion,now we canot go 2 cyprus bec thts what the rabbi says,.and this is my question: we love each other and im ready to convert and follow everythingthat he do in his religion,can he not break this law?can he not bring me to cyprus to get married?im only a worker here and not all the years i have a visa,theres a limitation to obtain a visa,so after we get married il do convertion and to marry again here(israel)and his family can accept me as 1 of the members of the family,he shld be the 1 to decides for his self not w/ anybody else isnt it?bec of what he say,i already decide to leave him though he said he loves me but canot do nothing.pls help

How to test a computer power supply?

I have a cheapo power supply that I think is bad. I don't have a hard drive tester, but I know if you short two wires together it tricks the power supply into running. Does anyone know which pins will make this work?

Has Hugo Chavez hit the proverbial 'nail on the head' with this speech?

Much of the rest of the world takes a very dim view of the United States. I draw this conclusion based on opinion polls, numerous foreign media publications, the existence of Hugo Chavez (and others like him who dare to challenge the American regime), the hatred that has inspired terrorist attacks here and abroad, and direct feedback I have received from many citizens of other countries. It does not take much ysis to reach the conclusion that people of other nations are justified in their antipathy toward the Unites States. Our leadership is corrupt, imperialistic, and morally reprehensible. Imagine living in another nation, under the menacing shadow cast by a bullying nation which possesses a nuclear arsenal large enough to destroy the world many times over, attempts to force its form of government on other nations covertly and overtly, clearly outlines its imperialistic designs for global domination through The Project for the New American Century (a href="," rel="nofollow",/a and which wields its immense military and economic might with a profound spiritual emptiness, a narcissistic disregard for the well-being of humanity, and a profound ignorance concerning other nations and cultures.

What is wrong with everyones DNA being put on database.?

I agree with you. It's already been shown that DNA from other crimes, etc, have solved cold cases. It certainly has where I live. I have no problem with it. It can also prove the wrong person has been jailed, too.

How do people view such a s**tty world in a positive light?

I just don't understand how people still see good things in life when there are thousands of people dying every day for no good reason. Hell, the Georgia/Russia situation is a great example of that right now. There are people starving, being hurt, tortured, wars going on, innocent people going to jail (thanks to our lovely judicial system), discrimination, the fact that all our presidents have been biased for things like religion and biased against things like ity (not to mention the fact that the word 'god' is on our money) -- and yet we claim to be a "melting pot" of all kinds of different people. I'm sorry, but you have to be a pretty cold-hearted person to still see good things through all of that. I've stopped a long time ago.

Will I really have to stop studying?!?

If you are in AMerica now, get a grant. fill out an FASFA or something like that. Do a search for it.

Is it consistent to support international foreign relations and negotiations yet oppose the United Nations?

Seems to be the UN exist to be a thorn in America's side. I can't believe we help fund this atrocity. It's time they moved to Belgium. We need the real estate.

How can i fix the blue screen on my pc?

hardware you have nearly installed is causing windows to crash, try unplugging it and booting the computer

(For guys) Are you embarred about PDA in high school?

I'm not talking about making out or anything inappropriate. I mean hugs/pecks good bye, putting your arm around her.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Would there be any other reason for a guy to not want you to talk to another guy?

He sounds jealous, but that doesnt mean he neccesarily likes you. Ask him, only thing he can do is say no, but atleast youll know you tried . Cute idea the tenisball thing :)

Can anyone answer this question about death?

Is death cruel because it destroys everyone and everything to which we cling, or is it compionate for liberating us from our illusions? Our illusions that we're indestructible, that things like money and fame mean anything.

How do I convince my parents about this car?

try explaining to them a 1.3 fiesta is quicker tell them the cars is just a lookalike and you couldn't possibly race anybody cause you would get blown away so you wouldn't even try cause it would just be an embarrment you know as well as i do the fancy looks dont make your car more powerfull infact in small cars like a polo it has the opposite effect (all blow and no go ) tell them to look it up online

Two asteroids head straight for Earth. Their speeds relative to Earth are?

Two asteroids head straight for Earth. Their speeds relative to Earth are 0.93c for asteroid 1 and 0.40c for asteroid 2. Find the speed of asteroid 1 relative to asteroid 2.

I wnat to do B.C.A after 12th is it good ....?

iam just p my 12th exams with 65% and i want my bright futuer and i want to do B.C.A now ... is it good for me..??

Can any Christians PLEASE tell me how your life was changed after you 'accepted Jesus into your heart'?

I keep rephrasing this and get everything from he saved me from my sins, to spelling and grammar corrections. Can someone just listen to what I mean and not what I say? I'm asking for personal testimony and not a single person has one? For all the Hell fire fire things posted here, does even one person have a positive reason to follow this Jesus?

Is the world going to end tomorrow?

i meen i read several comments tht it just made up by some guy name harold camping is it tru? PLZ TELL MEH ITS TRU

Do people cherry pick through the personal experiences of others?

It seems as though people pick and choose what to believe and what to dismiss. Accepting personal experiences that reinforce what we already believe, and dismissing personal experiences that defy what we believe. For example, a christian may believe someone who claims to have died and personally experienced hell before they were brought back, but disbelieve someone who claims to have personally experienced astrotravel. Similarly, a wiccan may believe someone who claims to have personally experienced astrotravel, but disbelieve someone who claims to have personally experienced hell. Keep all personal experiences throughout the world and ages in mind:)

Any Love For 'PJ Harvey'?

Sure, Ill put on a few tunes by her every now and then.. I'm afraid that the only album I have from her is Dry.. other than that, I only know a few selected songs from other albums by her. But yea, I dig her.

For a 19 y/o girl who played bball and softball in high skewl for an xmas gift customized nikes or ugg boots?

shes pretty sporty but she works at a day care so which do you think wuld b better, we live in maryland so it gets cold , and price is not a factor

Harold Olson died in Masonville, Iowa today too...why no coverage on him like Michael Jackson?

yea, well, no one else cares except the people who knew the man. i am sorry for your loss, though. i am sorry for the ones left. when my mom and dad and my husband's parents died, and some good friends, i kept thinking has the world stopped, are we alone out here? of course, this dude (you know-him) people think they know him, even though he isn't really all that important to alot of people. sorry, i am ranting. off now

Who thinks Nintendo is a heavenly place full of gorgeous and kick women?

I mean, there's Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Rosalina, Zelda, Tetra, Misty, Samus Aran and a couple of others. They're all pretty, and some of them are also pretty strong and tough.

Can you rate the 1st page of my short story please, 1-10?

I love it! It's actually really good, it's interesting and well written. A good story doesn't depend on only what it's talking about but about the way it's written - vocabulary, structure, etc - and you've pulled it off :D I do agree with the person above me about how it's going a bit fast, but since I imagined it as a sort of introduction to the whole story, I like it!

Would I qualify for Make-A-Wish?

im sorry, but no. you have to be told (by a doctor) that you're about to die, and that would be ur final wish

How did Nasa place mirror reflectors on the moon?

Russians used a probe to plant theirs many suggest the apollo astro-nots placed them on the moon by hand, i find this very unlikely.

Where can I find online korean fashion shops in malaysia?

Where can I get the fashion like Sechuna,lemon cookie,dodostyle in Malaysia?Instead of Asia jam,Yesstyle, or GirlsHolic.The price of the items are very expensive when we convert it into Malaysian money.Help me,I appreciate your kindness :)

How is the Career as a video editor?

if you want to get into anything related to graphic design, be it web, video, print, or animation, you need to think about it because the market is flooded with applicants....and thus, unless you're the absolute best of the best, right out of the chute at graduation, you're probably not going to find a job.

Has the Tea Party already won?

Check out the recent US Census Report and understand that more voters are Democrats than Republicans; and the Tea Party isn't hardly a quarter of the GOP. Please explain how their movement beyond the scope of media blitz looking for a story on a dry night makes them the moving force, to drive the Democrats to the right?

What is the evangelical theory on the "Nephilim" or so-called "Sons of God" from Gn 6: 1-4?

From the Hebrew, one meaning of 'sons of Elohim' is beleivers in the true creator YHVH (who later became YAHOSHUA). Why the progeny of the match between a believer and a heathen would be mighty, is an unanswered question.

British makeover show?

Okay, so a couple years ago I watched this video on YouTube that I think was from a television show, where this cute little blonde guy was addicted to self tanner. In the show, the guy stood in front of this "machine" or "robot", i guess you'd call it and chose to be made over into Zac Efron. I'm not sure why, I just enjoyed the videos and just thought of it! I really want to watch it but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called! Any help?

Nobody likes me (a sad yarn)?

You're right, that is really sad. Maybe you should try being more social, like getting a hobby. That way you can meet people and they will find out what a nice person you are.

Should the USA become neutral with regard to the Middle East?

Some say that we have to be involved there b/c we depend on foreign oil. However, I read that only about 20% of our foreign oil comes from there (much of it actually comes from Nigeria, Venezuela, Canada, and Mexico). Being embroiled in Middle Eastern affairs is getting Americans (servicemembers and civilians) killed. Should we become neutral and let them do their own thing w/o our interference, thereby saving American lives?

What do you sleep in?

Do you sleep in pjs, pj bottoms, underwear, nothing, etc. Just curious. I usually sleep in underwear, sometimes nude.

Is this essay to get a navel piercing convincing? (parents please respond)?

As far as essays go, I think it's probably the most convinging one you'll come up with. There were a few grammatical errors, but you did your research and did your best to let your mom know that you're a responsible human being. That's what counts. If she says that you can have a belly on piercing, then you need to make sure you live up to your word. If she says no, then be mature about it. Don't throw a tantrum or get an attitude because it will only convince her more that she shouldn't let you have one.

Who was wrong here - Me or Her?

She was wrong. You were doing the appropriate thing, especially for a formal dinner. If she didn't want you to be a gentleman, she should've remained seated or politely let you know it wasn't necessary. Some girls just don't appreciate a man who doesn't treat them like a piece of meat. You just keep being a true gentleman and don't worry about her.. lol

What are some TV shows you'd recommend for me?

I like The Office, Weeds, Veronica Mars, Dead Like Me, Skins, Dexter, and I'll take any suggestions seriously, but I'd prefer a show that has a high school/college setting in it more or less. I don't care if it's American, Canadian, British, or anything else as well. :)

How many guys on here like their slim/skinny chicks?

Not Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie Skinny...but skinny like Kelly Rowland . For instance. I am 5'10, i weigh 145lbs. But people say i look like i work out, and i look toned.I wear a size 5/6. Any guys here dont care for girls who dont have big s and a huge chest. Do any like girls who have a nice size chest and has an *** but just isnt big.

Should I trade Kendry Morales for Carlos Pena?

Would you rather have a good batting average and less strikeouts (Morales) or more HRs and a *chance* at more RBIs (Pena)? There's your answer

How do i stop obsessing over peoples opinion of me?

You need to learn to love yourself so others can love you. If you project out positive words and behavior they will come back to you. Work hard on being pleasant and don't worry about what other people think of you. If there is a way to get your bipolar under control, work on that too.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Im arab but people refuse to accept my race!?

My parents are both arab ( dad is Algerian mum is Lebanese) & although i was born it england my ethnicity is arab! anytime i try to say anything about my culture people will say 'Yo were born in england therefore you're english stop saying your arab' I FIND THIS SO IGNORANT AND ITS REALLY STARTING TO ANNOY ME! how should i handle this?!

Do you think dean geyer made the right choice dating one of the veronicas?

He began dating lisa origlio from the veronicas in march was it a good move considering hes courier was just starting could he have done better with out her. cuz now people just see him as lisa bf not a muso

Do you think "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" story is too Christian or politically incorrect?

I'm getting my seasonal decorations for my work space ready for next month. I'm not setting it up in a religious manner. Rather along the lines of a festive feel - stuff like a cute white little tree, candy canes and holly branches. One of the things I came across was and was going to put up was the "Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause" story. My supervisor has told me that this could be considered inappropriate since it is religious. I say "BUNK". To me this has less to do with religion and is more about hope and human spirit. What do you think.

I'm hanging out with a few cute guys tomorrow night; i have a's a "girl" thing?

first of all, i'm not a slut/ or anything like that...however, i just wanted some other girls/womens opinions on a "girl" im just wondering about what type/color pnties i should wear. because i know that guys like to see that stuff (im not going to dress trashy i swear!) im just goign to wear a tanktop that goes down to the top of my jeans, so when i sit down, or whatever, theyll show and maybe the guys would be turned on what would you wear if you anted to turn on/impress/or even tease a guy when it comes to pnties?

Is lindsey graham right about not raising the debt ceiling?

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) one of the more compromise-minded Republicans on Capitol Hill, took a calm approach to the issue, recently telling CNN, "Let me tell you what's involved if we don't lift the debt ceiling: financial collapse and calamity throughout the world. That's not lost upon me."

I am an airborne trooper and I am having a lot of back pain, what is wrong with me??!!?

Ok I am in the Army stationed at ft bragg nc. I had a jump a few weeks ago where I had a rough landing and hurt my back. Now it hurts to walk, run. When I drive I get shooting pains up into my lower and middle back. When I stand for too long it starts to hurt even more and I get lightheaded. The Doctors keep telling me that they cant find any reason why I am in pain. But I know that I am. Why is it still hurting so badly? I didn't break anything.

I feel DONE with everyone. Can anyone else relate?

I just feel DONE with all the people in my life. Can anyone relate to that? I am tired of feeling unimportant. Tired of friends never calling me unless the weather is bad or they don't have other plans. I just want to stop talking to everyone. They aren't really in my life lately anyway. How do I do this without creating conflict? Eventually some people will say "geez where have you been" and I'd rather not respond with "hey you finally noticed? **** off!". Does anyone else here ever feel DONE with everyone in their lives? Is there a psychological reason for feeling this way? Thanks.

What is the name of this super hero movie?

Ultimate Avengers. It's a good movie but I want to stress that the Ultimate world is not the mainstream (Earth-616) world.

Have you lost weight with Wii Fit? 10 points!!?

you don't loose much depending on how much you use it and what you do on it press ups and running is good! i personally lost a bit plus it's really fun!

Is bradman over rated or tendulkar over rated?

Brad man is overrated Indulger has certainly played against No. of genuine fast bowlers and best fielders ,variety of international teams .Moreover Tendulkar has certainly scored over due to his consistency for a very very long time which is unmatchable

What is a good fish for a community tank?

i had blue rams guppies and tetra but id like to have a bigger fih that can be kept with them. I know about the 1 inch to 1 gallon rule and i still hae 20 inches to spare so id like a bigger comunity fish to add to the tank

When a project is undertaken we don't expect the firm to go out and issue stocks and bonds to fund the project?

What is wrong with the idea that the feasibility of a given project be determined based on the cost of the ACTUAL funds raised rather than using the Marginal Cost of Capital?

When you shop at a big name companys like walmart or target or kmart....?

Do they sometimes put your name into contest or promotions that they are taking part in when you purchase items there?

Is it intolerant for schools to keep other theories from being taught with evolution? What are they afraid of?

What you speak is blasphemy. You know that the galaxy's humanoid species were all seeded by one alien race in the hopes they would unite to one day decode their message.

Why do conservatives call everyone lazy who works but makes less money than them?

I don't think cons even believe in democracy. They must be supporters of monarchy or some other system where they can rule over all working and poor people and use them for target practice. Cons have no conscience or morals.

Work done by gravity on a falling elevator?

When the cable breaks, the potential energy is MGH. When the elevator is decelerating, gravity is doing negative work. When it starts accelearting, it does EXACTLY the same amount of positive work as it did negative work until it reaches the point where the cable broke. Therefore, the work is just MGH.

"That bomb has the power to illiterate the world"?

I think you mean "obliterate," but--I'm sorry--I can't answer your question other than to say I think it is a case of exposition. And since right now it is impossible for one bomb to destroy the whole world, also hyperbole.

COD Black Ops PS3 Start Up Glitch?

When I start up Black Ops for my PS3 Slim 120 GB, there is a sound that plays over and over, almost like a countdown. It usually happens around 3 to 4 times before the game starts. If anybody else is experiencing this, please let me know. I heard that COD Black Ops was rushed to hit the shelves quickly, and I guess glitches are the effect of that.

I've been seeing a guy and he's been my first ual partner (I'm 18). It looks like i've been taking (cont)?

Youve told him how you feel, now you need to find out how he feels. then ask him what he thinks the next step should be ("breakup", relationship, whatever). then go with that plan.