Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trying to understand Christianity and the Bible! Please explain?

Hello...Well first of all you don't understand the bible over night and there are allot of people who don't understand the bible and they give a wrong understanding of the bible to those who are trying to understand...The bible gives us a history of what took place thousands of years ago right up to were we are now in this day and age...What we are seeing in this world today is what the bible says in the book of second timothy were it says in the last days men will wax worst and worst and the love of many will grow cold and many shall depart from the faith...Scientist try to give a understanding of what they view to happen in the world cause of what they see but the problem is they are not 100% right..The bible says that there is a day appointed by the man Jesus Christ were God will judge this world..God knows exactly what is going on in this world we live down to every detail the bible says in the book of chronicles that the eyes of God are from one end to the next in the earth...In the book of revelation Jesus says behold i come quickly and my reward is with me God will return to fix this earth after all he is the creator...

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