Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why does nobody ask George & Cindy Anthony why they believed Casey for so long?

OK I've been watching the Casey Anthony trial & I just can't believe that Fox News, CNN, HNL, & the court wouldn't ask the question "Why would George & Cindy Anthony believe Casey for 31 days that Caylee was at the nanny's house?" It doesn't make any sense !!! If your daughter & her little girl lived with you like Casey & Caylee lived with George & Cindy Anthony and two days ped by... Much less 31 days "a whole month" with no sign of Caylee... Knowing Casey was a wild mother why did George & Cindy Anthony not look into the situation before even 24 hours? Also wouldn't a young woman like Casey be to paranoid to dump the remains just a couple of blocks from there home? To me a first time killer would drive the remains at least 150 miles from the home paranoid that somebody would find the remains! The only person who would have the guts to dump the remains just two blocks from their home would be somebody who knows cops & how cops think !!! If you ask me I believe all three of the Anthony's where involved & George Anthony murdered Caylee!

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