Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why Do I Keep Changing Things?

You keep changing the things you can control because you cannot change the one thing that most needs changing; your relationship. Life is too short to be be unhappy,,,ever. I'm sure you're a beautiful hearted person. If you weren't you wouldn't want someone to help guide you in the right direction. Stress will kill you, so will being unhappy. Make a list of everything you want (need) to change, and i don't mean pain the house;). Every time you change one important thing, cross it out. Feel empowered because you are, although a man can quickly make you feel like you're powerless. The last thing on that list should be him! Get your finances and career in order then cross his *** off the list. Life is way to short sister. You'll have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince and trust me, he's not the one. If you keep wasting time with him, you'll miss out on the guy that's waiting for you in the world, or from simply kicking off your heels and spending peacefull time alone:) Good luck to you. I hope I helped:)

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