Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ive allowed myself to marry and become impregnated by an idiot -___-?

ill give u the short version. we were married young,, i got a divorce from him two weeks ago, but in the midst of that marriage came our little girl who is now 1 1/2. he doesnt have a job and im not sure if hes looking for one. the last job he had (which was paying him very well) he got fired from for ual misconduct, to which he blames the company heads for "watching him because he was so liked around the office". smh. anyway, as of late, thigns have been pretty hard for me financially, and overwhelming, so much so that i tried to call him to let him know that i need him to contribute to our daughter somehow because im not cutting it alone (i have public istance which got screwed up, im towards the end of an unpaid internship, and im just having a hard time finding money to take public transportation to get to work) he doesnt answer his phone. i texted him two days ago saying that we need to talk, he hasnt responded. im so fed up and sad. what should i say to him? he has court order child support from both the marriage and pub istance, both of which he doesnt pay.

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